Better life decisions become easier with a simple shift in focus. Here are 7 proven techniques that will help you make purpose-driven decisions in life.
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Fulfillment in Life
Are you asking yourself, “How do I find fulfillment in life”? Learn the 5 ways to choose a different path and find YOUR meaning of happiness.
Life Purpose
Get help defining your purpose in life using these three strategies. Your purpose guides your choices. It’s your “North” on your life compass.
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John Strelecky Blog
A collection of life advice articles to help you identify your Purpose for Existing, achieve your Big Five for Live, and create more Museum Day moments.
Understanding the Transference of Negative Energy
Prefer audio over reading? Check out the full podcast episode here. John Strelecky: Hello everyone and welcome to The John Strelecky Audio Experience. Get ready for a heart to heart conversation. On this episode, Vanessa Göcking and I talk about the moments before launching into an adventure, transference of negative energy and anger keys to…
Trusting your Internal Compass and Resolving Generational Trauma
Prefer audio over reading? Check out the full podcast episode here. John Strelecky: Hello everyone and welcome to The John Strelecky Audio Experience in this episode with Nathan Hurd from the Rich Life Lab. We talk about why I wear my hat everywhere, trusting the internal compass inside you, how generational trauma can play out…
3 Tips to Practicing Gratitude in Your Life
Gratitude – The Key to Happiness It feels like the concept of gratitude has received a ton of attention over the last few years. So much so that it runs the risk of feeling over discussed. That happens sometimes in the self-development and wellness space. A concept or practice becomes very “hot” and everywhere you…